Frequently Asked Questions
Where is the Village office? 201 N Main St
What are your hours? 9-4 M-W; closed on Federal Holidays
What is the office number? 419-759-2808
When are your meetings? Council meets the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month at 7pm; Board of Public Affairs-a.k.a. water board- meets the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month at 5pm. Should a Federal Holiday fall on a Monday that meeting is held on Tuesday. Most all meetings, regular and committee, are open to the public... the only exception being the income tax committee.
Where do I file my city taxes? Regional Income Tax Agency (
Where do I pay my water bill? You can mail it to Village of Dunkirk, PO Box 115, Dunkirk OH 45836; OR you can drop it in the slot on the South side of the Town Hall building (201 N Main), OR you can pay online at PayGov.US (app location code 3209). Lastly, there are direct links to PayGov.US and Doxo here on the website.